For previously published bulk ATAC-seq datasets, we used the irreproducible discovery rate (IDR) optimal peaks. For the mouse snATAC-seq data, we mapped the reads with bowtie2. For the human SNARE-seq2 data, we filtered the reads with filtering the snATAC-seq reads with alignmentSieve. For both snATAC-seq datasets, we obtained reproducible peaks with ArchR and used the peaks from the cluster of cells that had been labeled as PV+ interneurons. We obtained enhancers using bedtools and Gencode transcription start sites mapped to the species with the data combined with, for non-mouse and non-human species, RefSeq annotations in that species. We obtained predictions at orthologs by mapping the motor cortex enhancers to 221 Boreoeutherian mammals in the Zoonomia Cactus Alignment using halLiftover and HALPER and then making predictions for the peak summit orthologs +/- 250bp using the machine learning model for the tissue or cell type.
The data for these tracks can be accessed at the TACIT supplement website prediction tracks.
The Pfenning Lab and the UCSC Genome Browser provided the input data.
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