LRGASP logoOverview

The Long-read RNA-seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project challenge has completed. This site links to all of the code and data associated with the project

The Long-read RNA-seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project (LRGASP) Consortium organized a systematic evaluation of different methods for transcript computational identification and quantification using long-read sequencing technologies such as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore. We are interested in characterizing the strengths and potential remaining challenges in using these technologies to annotate and quantify the transcriptomes of both model and non-model organisms.

The consortium has generated cDNA and direct RNA datasets using different platforms and protocols in human, mouse, and manatee samples. Participants were provided with the data to generate annotations of expressed genes and transcripts as well as measure their expression levels. Evaluators from different institutions determined which pipelines have the highest accuracy for different aspects that include transcription detection, quantification and differential expression.

Challenge Data

Data provide to challenge participants:

Challenge Results

LRGASP Consortium Organizers

LRGASP Consortium Organizers


LRGASP Project Support